What ICE Ninjas Have to Say!

Khushboo Biyani
The Collaborative Visualiser
September 2014
Growing up, I deprived myself of the fascinating world of video games except an occasional Mario Brothers, Tetris or Prince of Persia session.

Apala Lahiri Chavan
Futurist Braveheart Kunoichi, CEO
Future of Global UX – Cross Cultural Robotics
August 2014
It was the summer of 2040. Cross cultural robotics was the hottest discipline on Earth and Mars. Robots had become very much part of the human ecosystem by 2025. They played a variety of roles, ranging from housekeeper, drivers (nah..the driverless cars in the past were not successful, other than with early adopters, because people did not feel confident about being driven with no clear demonstration of who was in control…that gave way to the hugely successful robot drivers !) heavy equipment operators , waiters, soldiers, security guards, gardeners, caregivers, news aggregators, cabin crew, pilots, delivery staff , travel agents, customer service agents, cleaners, etc.

Kiran Patil
June 2014
Philanthropy is perhaps as old as mankind. Even in the most ancient recorded past, we come across many examples of philanthropic activities.

Ananya Roy
The Reliable Adventurer-Warrior
Equalize: Tip the Scale of Inequality
May 2014
Do you ever feel like doing something meaningful for other people, but don’t know how? Does it bother you that some people have so much, and others so little? Do you want to make a difference? Then Equalize may be the app for you.

Ananya Roy
The Reliable Adventurer-Warrior
April 2014
As a UX designer one of the most exciting and satisfying aspects of my job are the interactions I get to have with people from different corners of the world, in the course of user research - being invited into their homes and workplaces, being regaled with their life stories, and being guided through the fine dynamics at play in their ecosystems.

Deepa Reddy
The APProach to problem solving
March 2014
Need garden planning help? There’s a landscaping app for you.

Snehshikha Gupta
The Pattern Decoder
Topic: Patterns in everyday life and the role of Design
February 2014
Globalization has made life easy for a large group of population. People have more disposable income and also have more access to new technologies.

Sonal Malhotra
The kaleidoscope
Way-finding: A first timer’s cross-check
February 2014
As a first time visitor to a new place, it is not uncommon to lose one’s way around, especially if one is not familiar with the context.

Prashant Vutha
Business Design Strategist
Why Community Leaders over National Leaders?
December 2013
Will there be national leaders in the future? Will a country have a Prime Minister or a President in the future?

Kiran Patil
Why books and periodicals need redesigning?
November 2013
Books and periodicals play an important role in our lives. Yet they are the unfortunate ones who have hardly undergone any design changes since their inception.

Kalika Sharma
The Pattern-finding Problem-solver
Seeking a Walkability Solution for Mumbai
October 2013
When it’s safe, clean and pleasant, walking is a great experience, but as any resident of Mumbai would know there are a the myriad of problems when you choose to get from one place to another by foot.

Kiran Patil
October 2013
Design is an integral part of our life. In fact life itself is a small part of a grand design called the Universe. Design influences our everyday life to the extent that we may be able to say that we can take ourselves out of the design but we cannot take design out of us.

Mathivanan Rajendran
The Storytelling Shinobi
Fear and Loathing in 140 Characters or less.
October 2013
It was about 3am in India and I was scrolling my twitter feed, when I came across the first few tweets about the attacks on Westgate in Kenya. There was one particular handle, which seemed to be the most up to date, it was as though they were reporting from the site of the incident, to my horror they were. It wasn’t a news agency nor was it a citizen journalist and sure wasn’t a hostage, the tweets were from the perpetrators Al Shabaab through their ‘official’ handle @HSM_Press.

Ananya Roy
The Reliable Adventurer-Warrior
October 2013
An article by my colleague Radhika got me thinking about the potential of establishing long term and large-scale change in peoples’ attitudes, through design.

Khushboo Biyani
The Collaborative Visualiser
And the award for the best actor in a supporting role goes to… Mumbai!
September 2013
I watched Before Sunrise many years ago and found an overwhelming desire to visit Vienna (which lives to date). Of late there have been many movies from across the world where the romanticism of a city adds a significant layer to the plot and makes the experience that much richer.

Kiran Patil
September 2013
Thinking – a small word with big consequences. Our needs trigger our thinking; thinking, in turn, triggers action and our actions shape our world. Humanity revolves around this cycle.

Radhika Ramadoss
The Creative Curator
September 2013
Wake up at 6am.. freshnup in 15.. gulp up your breakfast.. wave a hi to god.. grab your lunch box and shoot out of your house by 8.55am. What if you leave your house by 9.00am instead of 8.55am?

Ananya Roy
The Reliable Adventurer-Warrior
The Future of Intimacy: No Place to Make Out
September 2013
Mumbai’s smelly seafront promenades are perpetually dotted with couples in various stages of making out. Once in a while, when local residents complain, the cops come and round everyone up.

Apala Lahiri Chavan
Futurist Braveheart Kunoichi, CEO
The Future of Global User Experience – UX from the Outside
September 2013
In my last blog post, I presented a future scenario where organisations sourced all their UX products and service requirements from a digital supply chain.

Prashant Vutha
Business Design Strategist
September 2013
As I walk through the streets of Pondicherry, a common sight I see almost everyday - empty cycle rickshaws.

Kiran Patil
Positive Deviance in the Indian Perspective
September 2013
Not many may agree with me, but I definitely do not agree with the experts who comment that Jugaad -- or Indovation or any other terminology you want to use – is hurting India. I see immense power in Indovation, which through positive deviance can actually transform India. It is universally agreed that few will always move faster than others in a developing world, but the best thing that can really happen is that many move faster, and Jugaad used along with positive deviance approach can certainly help in that direction.

Kalika Sharma
The Pattern-finding Problem-solver
September 2013
There was a time not far back when localization became trendy. For the user, localization can be friendly and even amusing, to see an international brand trying to connect with and become the local person.

Deepa Reddy
July 2013
For those of us who grew up on a steady diet of Star Trek: Next Gen runs and re-runs (but were never Trekkies), Borgs were undebatably a threat. An alien race of cybernetic antagonists, Borgs were singularly in pursuit of emotionless, mechanical perfection through the assimilation of the “biological and technological distinctiveness of other species” into their own. In this, they were everything humans were not.

Mrinal Kanti Rai
The Purist
Why, I think, religion needs a better Service Design and good Customer Experience?
July 2013
India is a country of contradictions. It’s a metaphor for Jugaad and Chalta hai. For outsiders as well as for insiders, it’s a country with a split personality disorder. Chalta hai has its own linguistic that requires separate space, but let me focus on Jugaad this time. One can debate over the systemic complacency inherent in Jugaad, but one cannot ignore it’s utility as a thought process.

Kalika Sharma
The Pattern-finding Problem-solver
Telecommuting: A Situation or a Personality?
July 2013
Kalika is interested in exploring how users can get involved in designing their own experiences. She believes that all users in the future will also be creators, so UX will become all about crafting emotionally durable experiences and empowering individuals in their creations.

Kiran Patil
Jagriti Yatra – A Journey of Discovery and Transformation
June 2013
Jagriti Yatra is an ambitious annual train journey of discovery and transformation that takes hundreds of India's highly motivated youth on a 15 day national odyssey. The first Yatra took place in 2008. The aim of the Yatra is to awaken the spirit of entrepreneurship and the vision is to inspire young Indians to lead development.

Khushboo Biyani
The Collaborative Visualiser
June 2013
I remember vacations I took with my parents as a kid. There was months of planning, excitement like there was going to be no tomorrow, a sense of pride if the location was even remotely exotic and cluelessness about almost everything.

Utpala Wandhare
The Synthesizer
June 2013
To succeed and reach a place where one aspires to be, having equal opportunity and non-discrimination. Idealistic but everyone would want to attain this state of being in their lifetime known as American Dream.

Deepa Reddy
June 2013
A few days ago, we stopped at our usual dosa pitstop for a quick breakfast. When the bill arrived, it came sitting on top of a little flyer that entreated us to "Think. Eat. Save."

Kalika Sharma
The Pattern-finding Problem-solver
May 2013
Home, to me, holds the most fascinating array of things that can be played around with in so many different ways.

Mrinal Kanti Rai
The Purist
May 2013
Good visual design is pristine. It evokes emotions and creates a lasting impression. There is something mystical yet certain about visual design.

Ananya Roy
The Reliable Adventurer-Warrior
Technology Driven Creative Disruption
May 2013
Let’s look at these three ‘stories’ about disrupting an existing system through technology, for a positive social outcome.

Radhika Ramadoss
The Creative Curator
Design Jargon: Mystifying Simplification?
May 2013
Design jargon is not exactly a recent phenomenon, but kind courtesy world wide web, it has been brought into the notice of our (designers) collective conscience.

Apala Lahiri Chavan
Futurist Braveheart Kunoichi, CEO
Global User Experience in the Future - A Digital Supply Chain?
May 2013
Continuing from our previous post where I thought aloud (like a good UX professional) whether the future of global UX was going the N=1, R=G direction…this time I would like to visualize how N=1, R=G could manifest.

Mrinal Kanti Rai
The Purist
April 2013
Let me confess I am not a big fan of conferences but when I attended Tedx at TEDxGolfLinksPark recently, it was inspiring enough to change my perception about conferences. The speakers at the Tedx event were motivating to the core. Each of the talks was immersive and engaging enough to disconnect you from your surroundings.

Mathivanan Rajendran
The Storytelling Shinobi
A Screen in Hand is worth, two in the Bush
April 2013
Man is a Social Animal remarked Aristotle; of course, this was well before the invention of the Household Television. John Logie Baird’s invention has been the fancy of many a dystopian pundit with visions of millions of people tuned to their ‘idiot boxes’ with little care for people around them.

Utpala Wandhare
The Synthesizer
March 2013
Word of mouth remains the most powerful method of human communication. Human beings are social animals and share experience, stories, and information with each other on a daily basis.

Deepa Ready
March 2013
I’ve got this flask that often draws a lot of flak. It’s just a double-walled stainless steel flask, which I love because it keeps water ice-cold just about all day long. And in a place as hot for most of the year as Pondicherry, for a person like me who needs cold water to quench thirst, this matters.

Apala Lahiri Chavan
Futurist Braveheart Kunoichi, CEO
Global User Experience (UX) in the Future
February 2013
What is the future of global ux? This is a question that I have been asking myself for a while now and have not got a definitive answer yet. There are theories, directions, extrapolations, possibilities etc. but the picture is still hazy.

Ananya Roy
The Reliable Adventurer-Warrior
February 2013
42 years ago, Victor Papanek, the father of responsible design, made a scary observation. “By creating whole species of permanent garbage to clutter up the landscape, and by choosing materials and processes that pollute the air we breath, designers have become a dangerous breed.”

Mathivanan Rajendran
The Storytelling Shinobi
February 2013
Mathi believes the core of innovation lies in bringing out its story. For him the User is the Hero of his Journey. The sounds around him the BGM, the other users his co-actors, the technology the sets and props, and the entire eco-system a movie. Akin to a dream catcher, he would like to see his role as that of an 'Experience-Catcher', capturing experiences and retelling them in ways that can foster innovation.

Kalika Sharma
The Pattern-finding Problem-solver
February 2013
Being an activist for sustainable matters doesn’t need to involve participating in a protest outside the parliament dressed up as a genetically modified tomato. This morning, I turned off the tap while I was brushing my teeth, and that tiny action – seen by no one else – is heroic to me.

Khushboo Biyani
The Collaborative Visualiser
February 2013
There was a time when people used paper planners to manage office tasks, the newspaper guy had a stable job and radios were found in every home. Today, on the other hand, things seem to be very much in favor of the mighty mobile. It is one of the big actors in a typical ecosystem.

Mrinal Kanti Rai
The Purist
February 2013
When Gutenberg invented the printing press in 14501, it was the first wave of democratization of knowledge. It shifted the arduous process of making manuscripts manually to an automated process, allowing any work to be copied any number of times at speeds never seen before.