Much is being written every day about the rise of streaming videos and their increasing popularity: be it home-grown Indian OTT platforms or global giants, everyone from Hotstar and Voot to Amazon Prime and Netflix are vying for eyeballs in a market that has seen data consumption explode thanks to the entry of Jio which, in turn, had a cascading downward effect on access rates for mobile subscribers across the country.
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Shiv Vishwanathan on
Future of Entertainment
For this video, the ICE team caught up with the eminent sociologist, Professor Shiv Vishwanathan, for some academic insights on the Future of Entertainment. Professor Vishwanathan lectures at several international universities such as Smith College, Stanford and Goldsmiths, and is a columnist with the Indian Express, Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle.

Chennai Chapter on
Future of Entertainment
This video is part of a series of interviews on the Future of Entertainment, created by the Institute of Customer Experience (ICE). In this series, thought leaders in the industry and academia explain and predict trends related to the future of entertainment.

Future of
Entertainment Survey
What will entertainment be like 20 to 30 years from today? We conducted an online survey as part of our ongoing Future of Entertainment research and ideation project that investigates this specific question through secondary research, expert interviews, crowd sourced ideas and field research.

Future of
Entertainment Scenarios
The future always intrigues us! And entertainment has always been an integral part of our lives. Therefore, when we released our report on the Future of Entertainment - ‘Ghosts, Resurrections & Fantasy in the Entertainment Industry’, we got very interesting and exciting responses!

Ghosts, Resurrections & Fantasy in the Entertainment Industry
20 or 30 years from today, will we use the same means and modes of entertainment as the current ones? Will our future artists and performers look the same as in the current entertainment industry?