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Khushboo Biyani

The Collaborative Visualiser


Khushboo's career has been a lot about experimentation and learning, she has tried to stay hungry and foolish so far and definitely does not want to change that too much in the future… she isn’t so sure about what the future of UX will be, but is raring to go and find out by interaction, keeping her eyes and ears open and of course looking back at what the past of UX has been

Games that drew me in!

September 2014

Growing up, I deprived myself of the fascinating world of video games except an occasional Mario Brothers, Tetris or Prince of Persia session.

And the award for the best actor in a supporting role goes to… Mumbai!

September 2013

I watched Before Sunrise many years ago and found an overwhelming desire to visit Vienna (which lives to date). Of late there have been many movies from across the world where the romanticism of a city adds a significant layer to the plot and makes the experience that much richer.

The Evolved Traveler

June 2013

I remember vacations I took with my parents as a kid. There was months of planning, excitement like there was going to be no tomorrow, a sense of pride if the location was even remotely exotic and cluelessness about almost everything.

The Mobile and ‘Smart’ Living

February 2013

There was a time when people used paper planners to manage office tasks, the newspaper guy had a stable job and radios were found in every home. Today, on the other hand, things seem to be very much in favor of the mighty mobile. It is one of the big actors in a typical ecosystem.