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UX Transpotting

Frugal Innovations: A “Necessary” Trend For The Future!

World population is growing continuously with more people living on the Earth than ever before. In 2007, humanity’s total ecological footprint was estimated at 1.5 planet Earths. Resources are becoming increasingly valuable as the Earth is the only source till date and others planets are still to become a viable source of these resources.

Projections estimate that we will need the equivalent of two planets by 2030 to meet our annual demands. The only way, we can reduce our footprint is by producing more with less, and consuming better, wiser and less - the way forward is better and 'frugal' choices!

In this report, we present the trends that encourage better choices; trends in Frugal Innovations, 'Jugaad' and Do-It-Yourself are explored to see how and where we can make our better choices for the future.

We conclude our report with 3 thought provoking future scenarios.

Frugal Innovations: A “Necessary” Trend For The Future!


World population is growing continuously with more people living on the Earth than ever before. In 2007, humanity’s total ecological footprint was estimated at 1.5 planet Earths. Resources are becoming increasingly valuable as the Earth is the only source till date and others planets are still to become a viable source of these resources.

Projections estimate that we will need the equivalent of two planets by 2030 to meet our annual demands. The only way, we can reduce our footprint is by producing more with less, and consuming better, wiser and less - the way forward is better and 'frugal' choices!

In this report, we present the trends that encourage better choices; trends in Frugal Innovations, 'Jugaad' and Do-It-Yourself are explored to see how and where we can make our better choices for the future.

We conclude our report with 3 thought provoking future scenarios.

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