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Radhika Ramadoss

The Creative Curator


The love for aesthetics, form and color swept Radhika towards the field of design. Falling between art and science, design helps her make sense of the world and arrive at simpler solutions for even the smallest challenge she encounters. This, coupled with understanding users and engaging with cultures deeply, helps her curate stories and create meaningful user experiences. According to her, the future of UX will be more and more human!

An Everyday Encounter

May 2013

Wake up at 6am.. freshnup in 15.. gulp up your breakfast.. wave a hi to god.. grab your lunch box and shoot out of your house by 8.55am.

Design Jargon: Mystifying Simplification?

May 2013

Design jargon is not exactly a recent phenomenon, but kind courtesy world wide web, it has been brought into the notice of our (designers) collective conscience.