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Utpala Wandhare

The Synthesizer

New Awakening – Enablers of Global Happiness and Well-being

The world is awakening; powerful new forces are emerging. KNOWLEDGE and TECHNOLOGY revolutions are interacting synergistically, often with surprising consequences, and transforming the contexts in which human beings will conduct their affairs from now on. With collapse of both space and time, people and ideas mostly isolated from one another by thousands of miles or thousands of years now come into daily collision. The world is awakening to the power of mass collaboration, internet and entrepreneurship. Sharing, trust, peering, word-of-mouth, awareness has given power to people have enabled people with power to raise themselves. Economic growth is highly correlated with an abundance of small, entrepreneurial firms.While money – up to a certain point - will make you happier, friends, work you love, trust in others and health care, make you even happier.  These are few enablers of happiness and well being that is changing the world for better.

Mass collaboration: Mass collaboration is the ability of large numbers of people, who may have no preexisting connection, to effectively work against a common goal.

Conventional wisdom for companies and business to grow and work is within boundaries of the company. Today’s power is of sharing and harnessing the powerful new force—mass collaboration. Companies just by sharing some of their intellectual property can today make new discoveries that were probably not possible within boundaries of organizations. It is the future of innovation, business, and how wealth and just about everything else will be created.

Masses today are able to peer-produce an operating system, an encyclopedia, the media, a mutual fund, and even physical things like a motorcycle. Power of mass collaboration is becoming an economy in itself—a vast global network of specialized producers that swap and exchange services for entertainment, sustenance, and learning. Companies set a context for innovation and then invite their customers, partners, and other third parties to co-create their products and services.

New breed of enterprises is emerging—one that opens its doors to the world; co-innovates with everyone, especially customers; shares resources that were previously closely guarded; harnesses the power of mass collaboration; and behaves not as a multi-national, but as something new: a truly global business. These new modus operandi revolve around four powerful new ideas: openness, peering, sharing, and acting globally.

Internet: The Internet as technology is a powerful and efficient tool for searching, retrieving, and disseminating information.

The information and communication technologies ICT and especially the Internet has not only changed the economy, but also the society including the political system worldwide. Consequently, the Internet is not only the consequence of innovation in ICT, but also enabler for various types of innovation not only in the private, but also in the public sector, and for more broader and complex innovation processes.

Internet has enabled the kind of creativity and innovation that used to take place primarily within corporate walls, increasingly takes place over large amorphous networks of peers. Millions of people already join forces in self-organized collaborations such as Linux and Wikipedia that produce dynamic new goods and services that rival those of the world's largest and best-financed enterprises. The information and communication technologies ICT and especially the Internet has not only changed the economy, but also the society including the political system worldwide. Consequently, the Internet is not only the consequence of innovation in ICT, but also enabler for various types of innovation not only in the private, but also in the public sector, and for more broader and complex innovation processes.

Entrepreneurship: The capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit. The most obvious example of entrepreneurship is the starting of new businesses.

We live in a time of unprecedented change. Knowledge and technology increasingly obsolesce with innovation and human talent getting indispensable. Socio-economic changes occurring on global scale like globalization, demographic shifts and capital market. This change of pace is expect to increase exponentially. New approaches need to solve global issues like education, energy, healthcare, etc. The rate of start-ups is at all time high and we are evolving as an entrepreneurial society.

Entrepreneurs are the ones who get it. They're the ones most naturally attuned to the way in which our world is changing. They understand how technology and new ways of doing things are opening up incredible new frontiers of possibility. They understand that it's not about replacing one set of monolithic institutions with another, but rather reinventing a society in which the individual and community matters far more than any institution.

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